Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Heart-Felt Feelings..
You're hurting me too much by not being bothered,
I'm nothing to you. :(
You're building me up, just to break me down..('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:49 PM
Monday, February 22, 2010
Don't know why, but suddenly i felt so unsure and uncertain of your little love.
I doubt the importance of me in ur life that u've once said.
Prolly my assumptions were right,
i'm just one of the many in ur list whom you've already passed by..
我想我沒那麼堅強 每個女孩其實一樣
渴望著愛情的好 渴望被擁抱 卻都害怕愛讓人受傷
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:07 AM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Heartaches *
I've got so much i wanna say
But i'm lost for words.
I tried to understand what you meant, tried putting myself in your shoe and think
but have you ever put yourself in my shoe and think too?
Yes, i admit it's my fault this time round for not putting enough effort in it
and let you down.
But i'm trying right now, isn't it?
I feel tired too when i've seen nothing coming out from you after putting in all the efforts.
The answer seems to be so negative
to the extend that i really felt like giving up at that moment.
Yet, i still hang on till the end.
It hurts alot to hear all the words you said.
You've got your point but i've got my point of view in the things i'm doing too.
Why can't you just let me explain and understand in my point of view?
You told me, it takes 2 hands to clap
but why am i the only one left doing everything all by myself?
Can't the both of us try our best and improve it together?
Sometimes i wonder,
Have you ever thought of what i want/ask for in this?
Do you really understand me that well to the extend that you know what i'm thinking?
let's start afresh, shall we?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
1:39 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Love is never wanting to lose faith,
never wanting to give up,
and never truly moving on..
If only, you would voice out all the unhappiness in you
If only, I'm able to read you inside out
Things would never turn out in this awful state..
I'm sorry for all the disappointments that i've brought to you.
I've got no one but myself to blame,
for not understanding you more..('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:19 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
You frightened me today,
due to the drastric change in you.
The feeling's undescrible.
Stranger is the name for us.
I might not know how much burden and stress you're having
but so long as you're willing to share it with me,
i'm willing to there, just right beside of you being your listening ear.('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:59 AM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
SweetSurprises * :D
He came forward with Haagen Daz Ice-cream cake
when i mentioned about i'm feeling hungry..
He did really shocked me with it.
It comes in a pair :)
Then, he melts my heart by surprising me with the AX watch
that i show him in the afternoon before heading out to Town and get my stuffs.
He could actually remember the design by just glancing through it for less than 5secs!

Last but not least, he got someone to deliver 99 red roses to my doorstep
as early as 9.20am.

He've got everything planned.
What's more can i ask for?
P/S: Thanks for making an effort to present me all these surprises despite how busy you're with your own stuffs. You did shocked me & i'm indeed lost for words. Everything seems to be like a sweet dream right at that moment ; I can never imagine that you would do all these just for me. You're just so sweet, D!
Lastly, YouMeltsMyHeart :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
1:10 AM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Knowing the path ahead of me was a tough one,
yet i still chose to walk through it with you.. :)
Hopefully, things goes smoothlyyyyy
Decision made,
and hopefully i won't get disappointed again.
Let bygones be bygones and trust will be gained as time goes by.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
1:19 AM
Monday, February 1, 2010
A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb that explodes ;
Sometimes it's as quiet as a feather falling.
The most painful thing is, no one hears it except you..
('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:56 AM