Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I'm contented i've a place in your heart ❤
('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:51 AM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Insecured ; Assure Me With Assurance ❤
('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:31 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Social House :D
Lost counts on how many days of insomnia!
Social House was chosen for the day.
WeiLong came over to fetch me down & join the rest as planned. :)
Was supposed to meet the rest earlier but all thanks to my lazybones!
They're refusing to get down of the bed. -.-"
Thus, i went to get my stuffs prepared when it's already 10.30pm ?
Okays, it was my first time there
&& it seems kinda fun! :D
Oh, I LOVE THE SOFA, it's so comfortable!

o.O" Small - Big ; Seems weird?

Chatree & WeiLong
Oh my, look at our eyesbags! -.-"
Headed down to Boat Quay after that
but we didn't went to any of the pubs for a drink.
Everyone seems to be sick of Boat Quay?
Headed home straight after our supper.
It was a fun night though, :)

I thought i would feel likewise to see you holding
someone else's hand instead of mine.
But things wasn't as bad as what i've thought.
Somehow, i felt that she's the one for you,
Someone who's more suitable to be with you than me..
On the other hand, the things she said kept lingering in my mind:
"Would a girl give up on the one she loves to someone that she doesn't even know?"
('v') 心中的遺憾* 10:50 PM
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Waited for Ken & Co to knock off @ Sim Lim Square
then headed down to Social House for a drink :)
To our disappointment, it wasn't what we expected it to be.
It has become a Thai Disco instead of a club -.-"
&& there wasn't alot of tables at all.
One Word To Describe: BORING! :(

2hours of staying there, hoping that things would turn out well
but nothing changed at all.
Except for most of the people are leaving for somewhere else. -.-"
Nevertheless, we left that boring place too.
Some suggested going home and i headed down to Boat Quay as planned.
Joined WeiLong & Co for 2nd round. :)
But sad to say, WeiLong got so wasted & he vomitted thrice?
Guess what?!
The problem is, his self-entertainment cause him to get drunk.
None of them ask him to drink at all! -.-"

Home Sweet Home @ 5.20am
To Ken:
Thanks for being such a sweet buddy of mine to keep me accompanied.
No matter how busy or tired you're, you never fail to be here for me whenever i'm down.
I'm glad to have you, as a brother in my life..
Nevertheless, i'll be there for you when you needed someone as promised! :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
6:36 AM