Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Night :)
Cine for a few rounds of billard
then headed down to Ratchada, Atlantis & last stop at Club Nana.
It was kinda a fun night though. :)
Getting to see everyone working in the club to wear all kinds of costumes
and some of them got drawn like a clown or scar on their face with liquid eyeliner.
No pictures for the night except for..
Mr Tan & Chatree
Cabbed down to Geylang for dinner after Club Nana
and Home Sweet Home. :)
It's such a sweet weekend by having you by my side at the end of the day. :)('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:47 AM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Workload getting heavier
and i'm struggling hard to cope with it.
Files & paperwork are piling up on my desk as time goes by!
Been working overtime these few days
yet it seems like a never-ending work. :(
On the other hand,
The more busier i am, the least i'll think of those unnecessary stuffs.
P/S: Attention is all that i ask for
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:58 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dinner @ Kovan with Peiwen
then went over to MacDonald's for dessert. :)
Been craving for MacDonald's ice-cream for a week out of a sudden
but i didn't get the chance to eat it at all.
I'm always VERY full after my meals.
Chill for a short while before heading home. :)
It was a nice catch up anyway!

P/S: Why can't you feel/see that i'm unhappy while others can? ('v') 心中的遺憾*
6:05 AM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
MondayBlues *Insomnia is back again. -.-"

I'm heading to work!
P/S: Hopefully things will get better. :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:12 PM
Headed down to Singapore Expo for the Electronics Fair
but nothing caught my eyes.
Was intending to get myself a new Digital Camera yet it's OutOfStock. :(
Cabbed down to Bugis for steamboat yet it wasn't a good one
& headed home straight after that.
P/S: Somehow, words have lost their meaning right now.

('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:12 PM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Watch Haeundae The Dead Tsunami @ Cineleisure
Rated: 7/10
Headed down to Le Bar located @ Parklane first after our movie for a short drink
then cabbed down to Atlantis @ Jalan Sultan.
Lastly, we got landed up at Neverland.
Home Sweet Home @ 5.50am
P/S: Finally, it's over..
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:28 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mahjong Night :)
I've been craving for mahjong for ages
and finally, i've found someone who's free to play with me. :)
Headed down to Eddie's house for mahjong till 1.30am
then went over to Jalan Kayu for supper with them before sending me home.
&& I'm heading to bed right now. :)

P/S: It's gonna be a long day tml.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
11:33 AM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Social House ; Ratchada :)Thumbs up to Social House!
It wasn't a disappointment yet it's fun.
&& i would want to go there more often then anywhere else! :D
I gonna ask Peiwen along if i'm going there again.
I didn't went to club with her for a long time!
In fact, i missed the days we went out to club together with Dearest along.. :)
Back to topic.
Cabbed down to Ratchda to look for the others awhile
and Home Sweet Home. :)

('v') 心中的遺憾*
11:26 PM