Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Work as usual & work ended early for me today
as i'm able to finish all the stuffs i have in hand before knocking off.
Thumbs up! :)
Headed home straight after my work.
The long bus ride is killing me with all the pushings in the bus & jams on my way home.
Thus, backaches came haunting me! :(
Work has been doing well for me
and i've got myself a good boss without giving me too much pressure.
Time to work hard & NO more complains!
Time for bed.
It's gonna be a long hard day tomorrow..
('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:05 AM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
FCUKFUCKFCUK!I broke my Tiffany&Co necklace again.
Yes, againagainagainagain.. :(
Can someone please buy for me? :X('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:46 PM
Monday, September 28, 2009

It's time & i'm heading to work.

('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:25 AM
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Caught these movies recently but i couldn't really remember when was it.
Overall, Phobia 2 was being chosen to be the best out of the three. :)
Inglourious bastard wasn't really that good
as it's kinda draggy & the show lasted for 2 and a half hours.
Because of the "drag-ness", i fell asleep 3times! :X
Time-for-bed! :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:08 AM
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Headed down to East Coast for dinner @ the Hong Kong Cafe
then cabbed down to Sing Thai Disco located @ Lavander.
Home Sweet Home @ 4.10am
It's been 2weeks since i last drank alcohol..
('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:12 PM
Friday, September 25, 2009
I hate waiting, I hate wasting my time for nothing,
I hate to be left alone, I hate being pissed off,
I hate, I hate, I hate...
Is this what you meant by understanding someone or even me?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:14 AM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I don't understand why there're people who tends to envy me
for saying that i'm a fortunate girl/able to get almost all the stuffs i wanted to
but deep in my heart, i wasn't happy at all.
Who knows?
What's the point of getting all the things i wanted to have
when i don't feel a bit of happiness at all?
What's the meaning of fortunate?
Seriously, I don't know at all.
I've never felt this feeling before.
I smile doesn't means that i'm happy.
I laugh doesn't means that i'm cheerful.
Does anyone knows what i'm thinking deep in my heart?
By keeping quiet, doesn't means that i know nothing.
There're times that i chose to keep quiet then getting into arguements.
By forgiving, doesn't means that i'll forget everything
but still, i believe that everyone deserves to have a second chance.
Things getting from bad to worst & everything seems to be too coincident.
I've a feeling that i've been taken for granted.
I don't know how to trust again when things are repeating itself.
I tried to convince myself that things ain't what i thought
but my sixth sense can't be wrong all the time.
It's getting stronger and stronger..
I'm getting tired of everything
and it does hurts alot.
But who can i turned to?
突然间好觉得, 这里好像没有容得下我的位置了.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:31 AM
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sushi for dinner @ Cineleisure yesterday
then walked over to Wisma & Ion for a walk
anddddd, i got myself a...
Finally, another item being striked off from my wishlist. :)
Cabbed down to Pasir Ris for mahjong session
& Home Sweet Home @ 5.20am.
P/S: Can i have more mahjong session please?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:29 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009
Gmask-ed! :)
Went over to Sim Lim Square to look for Ken with Peiwen
before heading down to Bugis for a walk.
Got Ken to change my phone's screen protector at the same time. :)
Smoke & accompany him for a short while.
Walked over to Bugis for a walk
and get my phone gmask-ed at the same time.
Bought myself a couples of dress and belts, nothing much.
Had steamboat for dinner again.
But, but, but...
I wasn't the one craving for it this time round but Peiwen instead.
So, i accompany her for it. :)
Home Sweet Home @ 11.12pm
P/S: Blings will be coming up next on my phone. ;p
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:56 PM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My New Love :D
Knowing that i wanted to get this phone badly,
Baby bought me this as my birthday present!
I'm such a happy girl!!('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:26 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Kuishinbo for dinner @ Suntec City,
cabbed down to Cineleisure for movie after our dinner
then went over to Punggol Marina for a drink.
Thumbs up!
I love the Snow Carb! :D
Rated: 8/10
Photos taken @ Punggol Marina:
Eric & his gf.
Ivan, Eric & Felice
Oh my, Eric trying to kiss Ivan when he's asleep! -.-"
Home Sweet Home @ 5.45am
P/S: It was such a relaxing night.
But wouldn't it be better if we could take a walk along the sea?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
3:12 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cabbed down to Bugis for a walk & got myself a perfume only
as most of the shops are closing or already closed by the time i reach there.
Then, then, then..
had steamboat for our dinner. :)
After our dinner,
headed down to Cine for movie.
Was intending to watch Blood Ties but all the slots are being taken already.
So, we ended up watching I Love You, Beth Cooper
Rated: 4/10
Didn't really know/understand what's the show doing at all.
Hence, i fell asleep half way through the show. :X
Headed down to Sing Thai located at Lavender after our movie
then went over to Changi Village for supper before heading home. :) ('v') 心中的遺憾*
3:12 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm a year older again.
Thanks to all the birthday wishes that i've received,
those that came to celebrate my birthday
and not forgetting the surprises & presents that i've got.
Thanks alot! :)
Andd, anddd, andddd..
I'm counting down to the 17th of Oct.
It's the day that i'll be receiving my digital camera from Ken! :D
MeToYou* (:
Greatness as you, smallest as me
You show me what is deep as sea
A little love, little kiss
A litlle hug, little gift
all of little something
these are our memories
You make me cry, make me smile,
make me feel that love is true
You always stand by my side
I don't want to say goodbye
You make me cry, make me smile,
make me feel the joy of love
Oh, kissing you
Thank you for all the love you always give to me
Oh, I love you
Greatness as you, smallest as me
You show me what is deep as sea
A little love, little kiss
A little hug, little gift
all of little something
these are our memories
You make me cry, make me smile,
make me feel that love is true
You always stand by my side
I don't want to say goodbye
You make me cry, make me smile,
make me feel the joy of love
Oh, kissing you
Thank you for all the love you always give to me
Oh, I love you
Yes i do,
I always do
Make me cry, make me smile,
make me feel that love is true
you always stand by my side
I don't want to say goodbye
You make me cry, make me smile,
make me feel the joy of love
Oh kissing you
Thank you for all the love you always give to me
Oh I love you
To be with you,
Oh, I love you
('v') 心中的遺憾* 3:55 PM