Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Does true friends really exist?I always believe that the answer would be YES
and by having one or two good true friends would be enough.
Seriously, i don't need more.
All this while, i chose to believe you then what others have been telling me.
I refused to listen to what people have been talking about.
But as time goes by, all the things i've seen seems to be so negative.
I cherish you like nobody business
& you're so important that no one can be compared.
You know deep in your heart, don't you?
I always tried my best to be there for you when you needed me
& i've never asked you to be here for me when you ain't free.
I did everything i could & i believe it's even more then anyone else
but what have i got?
You always thought that i'm the one at fault just by listening to others.
I gave in by not arguing/having more conflicts with you.
We promised to clear all our misunderstandings no matter what it is, don't we?
What made us to drift so much?
I really don't understand.
You'll never know how much it hurts
cos you don't really know how much you stands in my heart.
It's something that cannot be measure/describe at all..
Loner would be a better choice
if disappointment is all i've get in return
P/S: I really miss you, ever realised that?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:54 PM
29 June 2009
I ain't strong, i'm trying to be one..
Feelings all over the place..
28 June 2009
Sakea Sushi for dinner then headed down to Ehub for midnight movies.
Watched Transformers this time round.
Thumbs Up! :DD
Was supposed to watch it last night but something cropped up
so we have a change of plan.
Although it's kinda disappointed last night cos i wanted to watch it very badly
but he made it up to me today!
The movie lasted for 2 and a half hours.
All of them fell asleep except for me & Mr Tan.
Guess they must be tired after a day of work yay?
Headed down to Kovan for supper,
chill all the way till 5.20am
& Home Sweet Home!

I'm so addicted to Cooking Mama 2 right now!
27 June 2009
Jack's Place for dinner
then headed down to Nana for a drink. :)

Home Sweet Home @ 5.20am ('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:01 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
MY NEW LOVE! ('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:06 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Staying at home on off days?!?
NO! I didn't want it this way but but but...
i'm really feeling restless.
Maybe it's due to long hours of work & i drank alot last night! -.-"
Anyway anyway,
it wasn't really a bad idea staying at home too.
At least, i've got the time to finish up all my dvds that i bought long ago?
If i'm not wrong, i did mention about buying a makeup remover on my earlier post.
I've tried using it these few days
and i find it very convenient and fast in removing makeups.
Last but not least, it's really clean although no rinsing is needed. :)
It's the Cleansing Express
WATER BASE CLEANSERS MAKE A BIG SPLASH!It removes makeup instantly & completely with quick floating technology.
A gentle but powerful formulation that removes makeup thoroughly.
It also allows repeated wiping using the same cotton as impurities do not adhere back to the face.IT DOES NOT EVEN CLOG PORES && NO RINSING IS NEEDED!
Affordable & Reasonable Price.
Try using it! :D
They do have the Cleansing Gel & Eye makeup remover too.
I WANNA GET THEM ALL!('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:19 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
3rd Costumes Party @ XBAR!
Work started as early as 6.30pm & it ended at 6 in the morning.
It's real damn tiring, i swear!
I couldn't imagine that i could drink for almost 12hours a day by not getting drunk.
And aandd aaandddd...
it's really a torture to wear high heels standing and walking around for almost 12hours.
Afterall, it wasn't that bad.
Not much photos taken as we're all busy with our work.
All these are taken before we started work:
Limin wearing her Shatec's uniform with Nana's rabbit hairband.
Nana with her costume.
She's the only one wearing the rabbit costume
while the rest of us are all maid. -.-"
Nana & Nichole
Me & Nana

& that's me with the costume.

Baby came over after i knock off.
Went for supper & home sweet home!
P/S: The pain on my leg is killing me! :(
('v') 心中的遺憾*
6:00 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'mmmm dddownnnn withhhh ffffluuuuuu!
but it's definately not the H1N1.
I'm just being stubborn by sleeping in the air-conditioned room
when the weather's cooling cos i can't sleep in a hot weather!
I'll DIE without air-condition la.
Thus, this cause me to ssssneezeeeee all the way till i knock off
&& i swear, i did think of cutting off my nose earlier on.
It's just so irritating!
Okays, back to topic.
Work was fine & sales wasn't as bad as what we expected. :)
Left @ 4am & headed home straight
Was craving for MacDonald's hotcake with sausage meal
&& guess what?!
It's being delivered to my doorstep after i reach home for not even 5mins. :D
My hot-pipping hotcakes are waiting for me..
;p('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:55 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Headed down to Bugis for dinner @ MOF & did some window shopping. :)
Bought nothing much except for just a make-up remover
which caught my attention few days ago while i'm reading CLEO.
Cabbed down to Geylang to meet up the rest
then headed down to 12 Element for a short drink as Drinking Place is closed.
Tryphenna came over for a chat after her game of L4D with Gabriel & friends.
Chill over at Xbar for awhile
&& Home Sweet Home.
I'm off to play my PS3! :D
Byeeeeee!('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:05 AM
DON'T MISS IT! :DCostumes event coming up on 24th June 2009 (Wednesday) at36 Circular Road XBAR!No entrance fees is needed,Open at 6.30pm - 6am!Do pass by and have a look or give me a call for reservations. :DDon't miss it or you'll REGRET it!('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:00 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Some things are just meant not to be said, to be kept within.
Or rather should I put it in this way: I haven't got the courage to...
Earnestly, I'm still indefinite about this.
Enough said. Goodnight.
A little side track.
Don't do things for me just because i want to.
Do it because you really want to.
It's the thoughts that counts.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:01 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sometimes fate just can't stop meddling..
Everyone needs a guardian angel, i guess?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:26 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
Did nothing much although it was my off day today.
I'm brookkeeee meaning no shopping for me.
SadSadSad :(
Played PS3 for hours before heading down to Cineleisure for movie.
Watched Ghost of girlfriends past this time round.
Rated: 8/10
Cabbed down to Sabai Sabai after our movie ended at 3.50am
to celebrate Xiao Hei's 23rd birthday.
He's already drunk by the time we reached.
Stayed all the way till 5am & headed down to Geylang.
Was craving for frog leg porridge for supper but it was closed.
Too bad, we're too lateeeee!
No photos taken cos i brought a no-battery digital camera out.
Heh heh!
Pardon me for my forgetfulness. ;p
Please don't say i'm heartless!
I've been waiting for your call/sms for the whole day okays.
There'll be a little delay on your present but it won't be a disappointment.
No harm waiting right? :XHAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY TO GABRIEL,
May all your dream come true & got yourself a dream girlfriend with lots of tattoo.
LOL!HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY TO GAVINI hereby wish you all the best & a better prospects for your future.&&
Not forgetting...HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY TO XIAO HEI!Hope you did enjoy yourself just now by getting drunk. :X('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:22 AM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
14 June 2009
Sunday is a boring day,
Sunday is a sleepy day,
Sunday is a lazy day!
I'm sooo soooo soooo lazyyyy todayyyy
which cause me to lie on my bed for the whole day.
It's either watching tv show or falling asleep! -.-"
It's only until late night at around 10.30pm that i decided to go for a movie
but but but, i'm not going to Town this time round.
Just AMK Hub will do. :)
Rated: 7/10
Seriously, i hate the sound effects la.
It's so damn sudden & loud which cause my heart to stop beating for more then 3times!
But, it wasn't a bad show afterall.
Except for the lousy ending which i don't understand at all. :X
L4D was planned after our movie
but was cancelled at the very last minute due to dont know what reason
so, we headed home instead. :(
I'm going to watch Star Movie & have my MacDonald for supper!
Byeeee Peeps! :D
13 June 2009
Headed down to Boat Quay for a short drink @ Jab1
then cabbed down to Cineleisure @ 1.40am for movie.
Show started at 2.00am
Rated: 8/10
Wasn't a bad show like what others commented.
In fact, i find it hilarious.
No harm giving it a try! :)
Headed down to Nana after our movie for 2nd round of drinking
&& Home Sweet Home @ 6.15am. ('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:10 AM