Sunday, May 31, 2009
Initially, Charcoal Grill was planned at Vivo City for dinner tonight
but it was being cancelled at the very last minute.
All thanks to me! -.-"
It's all being caused by those rashes on me.
It's damn fcuking torturing, i swear!
&& it caused me to wait for almost 2hours to see the doctor
as it's a Sunday today and not all clinics opens on Sunday!
I went to a 24hours clinic nearby thinking that there won't be much people
but i'm so so so wrong la!
It's so damn pack that alot of people are waiting outside of the clinic
without any chairs to sit
andddd.. i've got to wait for 14 people to consult the doctor before it's my turn!
Can you imagine how torturing it is?
I just can't stand those itch on mmmmmmeeeeeee.
It's driving me crazyyyyyyy! :(
After 2hours of suffering, all i've got is..
I swear, i'll never drink BEER again!
NEVER WILL I!('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:48 PM
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Headed down to Bugis for dinner.
Had MOF this time round.
It's another full time favourite of mine.
Walked around Bugis after my dinner
then cabbed down for movie as planned.
Sad to say, all the time slots are being sold out
and there wasn't much movie left for us to watch.
After discussion, we decided to cab down to Plaza Singapura to try our luck
but it's all being sold out too. :(
Left with no choice,
Home Sweet Home then.('v') 心中的遺憾*
6:29 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
One more item being striked off from my list. :D
&& it's something i want a long time agoooooo!

Headed down to Orchard for a walk as i couldn't get to sleep
due to someone's renovating their house just right below of mine.
The noise are just unbearable la!
Bought nothing except for this Agnes B top.
Then then then..
We settle down at Cineleisure for our dinner @ Pastamania
and of cos a movie show before heading home. ;p
P/S: You makes me a happy girl today :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:37 PM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Costumes Night *
This is the first time we're having this kind of events
and it did turn out well. :)
Including the crowds & sales.
Somehow, there'll be even more events coming up every month.
Please stay tune! :D
Mr Hao (One of my boss)
What a nice hair he have.
By the way, those are just clips on extension.
Me and Nana
andddd.. it's all about me! :D

Work was fun tonight and i did enjoyed myself
but i left early to Bangkok Thai Disco to look for Baby.
Then then then..
Home Sweet Home @ 6.20am('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:34 AM
Monday, May 25, 2009
Movie Marathon for these 2weeks

Had been watching movies for the past few weeks on my off days.
Nothing much happen as usual.
It's either work, home or movies :)
Somehow, i did enjoy this kinda of lifestyle right now.
It's much more relaxing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself in Taiwan :D
P/S: i'm craving for Pastamania
& it came knocking on my door! :D
('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:52 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Electronics Fair @ Suntec
Just a few hours of sleep and i'm awakeeeee!
Headed down to Suntec as planned.
&& i've got a Samsung 22 inch Lcd screen tv @ 400bucks only. :D
Isn't it a good deal?
Had Sakea Sushi @ Marina Square for lunch
and Home Sweet Home. :)
Mr Tan's busy helping me to fix the tv
i'm busy camwhoring in my room :X

Okays, i'm tired.
Time for a good rest! :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:53 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Finally, finally, finally...
I'm feeling much much more better!
Fever's gone & cough's gone too.

Thanks for the delivery!
It did really cheer me up. :)('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:10 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
I'm heading to work right now.
Update soooonnnnnn! :)
P/S: Pls get lost, fever. ('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:17 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
FCUK!I'm down with fever since thursday nightand i'm having insomnia at the same time.I'm feeling super duper tired and reckless yet i couldn't get to sleep at all.I don't know what's wrong with me.For the past 2 days, i slept for less then 6hours. Thus, this cause me to overslept and miss my movie show earlier on. -.-"It's already past midnight by the time i'm awake la.I hate having insomnia and irregular sleeping time.It cause me to fall sick easily and having serious headaches/bodyaches.Too much things running thru my mind for the past few daysbut who can i turn to?No one.('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:53 PM
First of all, I'm Sorry.
I didn't went to your birthday celebration last night.
Please forgive me!
Hope you didn't get yourself drunk last night
&& enjoyed yourself with them! :D
I missed the steamboat session with them last night!
Can we have it again next weekkkkkkk? :X ('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:12 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wish you all the best in your studies & future, found yourself a good partner with happiness & may all your dreams come true!
5years & it's still counting on..
This is the 1st year i didn't get to celebrate your birthday with you
ever since we got so closed with each other.
Today is your big day & it's also a day that meant so much to me.
It reminds me of how i crack my brain to think of places to celebrate for you,
what should i get for you for your birthday, how can i surprise you & so on..
At the same time, it also reminds me of all the things we went through.
It's the 5th year we've been together.
I don't deny there ain't any misunderstandings in between us within these years
and we never fail to solve/overcome it no matter what.
I've never regret going through all those tough bumpy roads with you
cause i cherish you like nobody business at all.
Besides all these tough times, we did spend & enjoy our happy moments together too
Don't we?
The days we spent together are countless.
Going/skipping school, shopping like nobody business, club till there's no tomorrow,
going overseas, staying over at my house, chill/chit-chatting all the way till dawn,
console each other when either one of us are feeling down, irritates me when i'm bored & etc..
All these days spent are unforgettable & i've never thought of it would end.
In fact, i wanted to have more of these days againagainagain.
I know i might have neglected you recently due to my work
but i've never forget about you at all.
I'll still be there for you whenever you needed me
I'll still ask you out whenever i'm free or it's my off day
I'll still irritates you whenever i'm bored
I'll still want you to be my everything
Trust me.

God grant me my 21st birthday wish last year
but will he be kind enough to grant me another wish now?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:12 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I still miss you..
Someone mention about him at work today.
It reminds me of the past & those things he once said to me.
It seems so real to me till now.
As if, everything happened yesterday.
I thought i've letted it go long ago to start a brand new life
Yet, i realised i've been running away from the reality..

One and a half year, it's still counting on?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:30 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
I couldn't decide which phone should i get. :(
I need some comments!!
Samsung S8300 in Red
Nokia E71 in either Black/White
('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:34 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
You make the darkness disappear..
I feel found when you stay near ;
I know where i am when you're here.
My way becomes so clear..
To Dearest Bebe:
Always remember, whenever you're going through hard times,
i'll always be there for you.
Don't ever forget, i'm just a phone call away. :)
First of all, i missed the Mother's day celebration @ my grandmother's house.
Then, i owe my mum a treat
&& a Mother's day present. -.-"
There's too many birthdays in May. :(
6 more days to Dearest's birthday
& i promised her, i gonna get something she wants long agoooo.
STAY TUNE! :D('v') 心中的遺憾*
6:58 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
First of all, i wanna wish Benji a...
(i forget to state on the earlier post :X)
I hereby wish you all the best, may all your dreams come true
& i hope you did enjoyed yourself at work earlier on.
You're already drunk when i reached there
Hence, i couldn't wish you in person. :)
&& not forgetting..
All the best to you & your wife. :D
Just a 5hours of sleep & i'm awake!
Reason: I've got to attend Mr James wedding dinner.
Mr Goh with his Gucci Sling bag
Ping Feng, his gf, George, James & his wife
Jim, Ping Feng, Me, George, James & his wife
Dinner ended @ 11.30pm.
Cabbed home with George&Co, got myself changed
& headed down to Cineleisure for movie. :)
Rated: 7/10
Headed down to Bq after our movie.
Home Sweet Home @ 6.30am
P/S: I need my beauty sleep badly! :(
('v') 心中的遺憾*
3:22 AM
Friday, May 8, 2009
Work as usual & it ended late today! :(
It was like HELL to me, i swear.
It's full of people & i could hardly walk inside
&& there's even a group of people sitting outside
due to there wasn't any table available inside at all. -.-"
By the way, Benji came to celebrate his birthday
&& he's damn fcuking drunk la!
He didn't even know what's going on at all.
Ohs, i met Joann earlier on too.
She came along with Benji & friends.
Was kinda shock that she know them la.
Anyway, she's still the same! :)
Okays, i'm heading to bed right now.
Gotta wake up early later on!
Update soonnnnn! ;p('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:51 AM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
First of all, i wanna wish Junyi a...HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY! :)
Hope you enjoy yourself just now.
Work as usual & it ended late today.There's only one word to describe: TIRED!Accompanied my bosses to Sheng Siong to get 5crabs after my workas one of them are craving for crabs early in the morning.LOL*Then then then...Home Sweet Home @ 8.15am :)FCUK!
I'm having insomnia again.
It's 3.35pm right now yet i'm still awake. -.-"
('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:03 PM