Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Living in a one-way street *
Very hastily the transformation took place.
I am thoroughly appalled that
it almost seemed like second nature.
Whatever I was most indignant about,
is now, crumbled into dust.
I blanched at the thought,
that the initial vitality I once had,
is now replaced with emotions turned cold.
It is now officially, an abject failure..
With ❤,
Lings *
('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:27 AM
Monday, March 30, 2009
Which is better?
To know the truth/Act as nothing happen
What's the definition of Trust?
The truth is just right in front of my eyes
which i couldn't believe it at all.
I gave you a chance
but you denied when i asked.
There's nothing more i can do/say
Disappointment is all i've got from you after so long.
Maybe, it's time for me to leave..
('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:27 AM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Seriously, i do really hate working on weekends!
It's full of people in and outside of the place
&& i could hardly get myself to sit down for a rest!
To me, it's really like hell.
Ended work @ 3.30am.
Went over to Temptation to look for Mr Chew for awhile,
played 5-10 with Jun Hui & had a few cups with Mr Benji
then Home Sweet Home. :D

It's YOU who
* made me worry for you for the whole night
* caused me to have insomnia night
* panic for nothing
Yet, i've got nothing in return but...
I missed the sales @ the Airport Terminal 3! :(
Damn!('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:08 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Work as usual
& i'm so proud of myself.
Finally, i took a bus to work earlier on. :D

There's always a reason for getting drunk.
If only you knew what i'm thinking..
我都不會忘記 我愛你
('v') 心中的遺憾*
3:16 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
!@#$%^&*I SWEAR I'VE NEVER MET SOMEONE LIKE YOU BEFORE, FCUKER!Someone who loves pushing all the blames on othersSomeone who loves putting words inside others mouthSomeone who loves to brag alotSomeone who thinks highly of yourselfBlahBlahBlah..I had enough of your nonsense& STOP ALL YOUR BULL-SHITTING!What's the point of accusing me to your friends when things ain't true at all?What are you trying to prove to them?What do you gain from saying all these things?Stop being such a childish freak la.You've got yourself nothing but laughter from your friends thinking that you're stupid.You're just making a fool of yourself!Everyone have their own tolerence& there's always a limit in patient.TODAY'S JUST AIN'T MY DAY!
Why are there so many unreasonable people around?
I've got someone who came to ask me
"May i know how many bfs do you have
or which one is your bf in all the pic that you posted?"
Does taking photos with guys
means all of them are my bfs?
Why not might as well say that
all guys with moustache is my father then? -.-"
I believe i've stated clearly in my post who they are
and with their name on it.
Don't you have common sense?
If no, then use your brain to think the next time round.
It's just the start of my day
yet i got so damn pissed off.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:12 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
It's super wrong for me to stay at home for the whole day.
&& it's the 2nd day that i've been home!
Shopping Spree started since yesterday
& i've spend more then a hundred bucks. -.-"
I've got a bad habit for shopping online which is,
I'll keep all the new clothings aside & stack them in my wardrobe
without wearing or touching them when i've received it. -.-"
This bad habit of mine have been with me for ages.
Till now, nothing changes at all.
Yet, i'm still having my shopping spree happily right now.
Time to get rid of all the unwanted stuffs.
IF ONLY i'm free. :D
Found this dress in a random blog shop
but till now the owner didn't get back to me at all. -.-"
Does anyone knows where can i get this?
Please email me at:
Thanks! :)('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:08 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I'm LOVING it!
Was surfing the net, and i happen to saw this:

Ds Lite Stylus
But i'm still waiting for their reply. :(
There's alot moreeeeee!
For those who're interested, you could get it at:
Does anyone knows where can i get it in Singapore?
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:16 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Went over to Cynthia's place to get my nails done.
Was supposed to do the in-fill on Tuesday
but i cancelled the appointment at the last minute as i couldn't make it.
As usual, i'm late for my appointment today.
Appointment should be at 8pm
but i reached at 8.30pm -.-"
I didn't wake up late this time round.
It's because i couldn't get myself a cab at that time.
Maybe, it's due to the rain. :)
At least, i did inform Cynthia about it
& she waited for me patiently. :D
I love going over to her side to have my nails done.
It's too cosy & relaxing
& i'm able to watch those SCV channels that i like
while doing my nails! :D
Besides doing in-fill for my nails,
i did Classic pedicure too.
Everything ended @ 11.30pm!
I've change my nails colour!
I chose red this time round as it's my favourite colour. :D

Took a cab down to Boat Quay for work.
What cheer me up most was..
I'm working with Dearest tonight!
Work ended early today,
so i suggested going to Sabai Sabai with Dearest
but was cancelled due to something cropped up.
Home Sweet Home @ 7.15am
I'm sorry but the truth always hurts, but you are the one I least want to hurt.
Hence, it's better to end things this way before they get worsen.('v') 心中的遺憾*
11:11 PM