Saturday, May 31, 2008
Watched at The Cathay with Angela and Buddy.
Rated 7/10
It's a last minute decision again
as we got nowhere to go.
was planning for singing session
but.. no suitable place. -.-"
Angela called today
and came down to my house.
it's been quite a long time since i last met her.
kinda miss her! :D
As usual, did some catching up
then headed to The Cathay for movie.
i'm craving for Long John Silver now!('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:44 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Where does your footsteps lead to?
You left me stranded on a trial
where there's no ending of inflicted pain.
Those sweet hours of your company
were just too short to be enjoy.
You've left at the break of dawn
leaving me to ponder when you'll be back once more.
Sometime, i think of the footsteps that you left..
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:37 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
28 May 2008
here i comes agains....
been into Mahjong recently
or should i say..
i've got no choice but to play mahjong
as it helps me to kill my time? -.-"I really feel like a Tai Tai now.
play mahjong everyday without a job!
tooooo baddddd, i'm just DREAMING la.
how i wish, i could be one! :D
but not for longg plss...
cos it's really too bored.I NEED A JOB!!!!
i can't nuaaa all the wayyyyyyy!
i'm really bbbbbrokeeeee.. :(oh ya, today i gonna thanks to George's doggy, SaSa.
as.....SHE BITE MY WHOLE PACKET OF CIGGY!which i just bought it. -.-"i don't know how she got it out from my bagbut.. i guess, she loves ciggycos she left none for me!!is she helping me to smoke less as she knows i can't smoke too much?
This is Sasa's work.went to Geylang Lor 3 (G7) for Supperwith Eddie and friends after my Mahjong.they came over to fetch me all the way from BQ. :)Thanks!i really appreciate it. :DHome at 4.20am,bathe ; blogggggg..i'm done with it yet i'm still unable to sleep.INSOMNIA, FEVER, COUGH, BACK-ACHES..pls get away from meeeeeeeeee..SSSSSSHOOOOOO~
Destroyer of the day, SaSai hate her! :X
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:18 PM
('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:47 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY, MR YEO ALANlast year of today
we're in KL celebrating yr birthday,
giving you surprises.
I really enjoyed myself
although it's just only the 4 of us. :)
As for today,
nothing happen at all.
plans cancelled.
I hereby wish you a Happy Birthday,
All the best to you.
Hope everything's fine
remember to eat moreeee ;
sleep moreeee.
I'll keep my promise as usual
will you?the time spent with you, will always be the sweetest part of memories kept in my heart ('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:01 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
26 May 2008Every night at this point of time,i would missed you BADLY.I wanted to tell you how terrible and upset i feel within mebut i can't..You're no longer here for me anymoreEven my words doesn't seems to capture your attention.Now then i realised,our bond was actually so weak which i thought it was that strong.I didn't expect it would end so fast..I really miss you.I miss every part of us.The way we hold our hand ;When you gave me a surprise on Valentine's Day with flowers ;When we went for our first dinner and movies ;When you kissed me Goodnight and hugging me to sleep ;When you sms-ed me all the sweet messages...You always remember i would skipped my meals without you by my sideandd.. you never failed to remind with a phone call whenever you're in camp.How i wish.. i'm able to hug you tightly in my arms now.No matter what i've said and tried,I just can't make you love me more..What have i done to make you loathe me so much?After that day, everything's CHANGED.It's too sudden.I'm just like a dead walking zombie on the streetswandering aimlessly with no sense of direction at all!I can even feel the pain when i'm breathing.I wish you're here..Things could be so different with you around.Memories flashes through my mind again and again..It seems to be more clearer and tougher for me to move onWithout you by my side now,I've no motivations in doing anything.I used to pass my days by workingand looking forward to the day that you're booking outbut now, i don't know what am i going to dofor the rest of the days ahead of me.I don't even dare to imagine..I just can't accept the fact that you just left me like that.Not even leaving a word or a reasonI've already made you part of my life,just like what you used to tell me..(pls don't leave me, i really love you alot. muacks)yet all i've got is a pack of fcuking lies!i couldn't believe my eyes thatyou could actually forget everything in such a short periodwhen you told me that you love me alotand being in love with another girl.i'm really much is the "ALOT" of yours?or is it only meant to be a lie/sweet talk?I remembered i felt so blessed having youand i would go around telling all my friends that..* I feel so loved now* I've got myself a bf who loves me, dotes on me and giving me all i ever wantedThough at times we do have quarrelsbut these makes us even stronger then before.I'm soo proud to say i've a wonderful boyfriend now!Thanks God. :)But to my disappointment,i'm wrong in my judgement.It's just packs of lies formed by you.Everything's just a dream..The sweetest dream i ever hadandd.. it's given by you..jpg)
Pls don't wake me up and let me leave..
How do i live without you,
I want to know.
How do i breathe without you,
If you ever go..
How do i ever, ever survive?
How do i, how do i,
Oh.. how do i liveee..
Bits and pieces of memories,
You left me scarred.
I couldn't forget you, my love.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:31 AM
it's not when i look back at all the memories
and the good times we had that makes me sad.
it's when you consider those memories as nothing to you,
when they actually meant everything to me.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:21 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
25 May 2008GUESS WHAT?!?i could actually play mahjong till i fall sick! Compass Point for dinner againsas i wanted to get back my phone from George.was using the Viewty phone for almost a weekbut still, i prefer N95! :Di'm really a LG noob at first!didn't even know how to send msg using that phoneanddd.. andddd.. andddddd...i couldn't even find all my contacts! -.-"Overall, still not bad..but not the camera especially the one infront!I-phone preferred. :)WOOOOOOHOOOOOO~latest news for myself! I-phone will be offically launched latest by August! :Dbut.. still considering.LOL* ;pwent over the George's house for mahjong sessionas we've got nothing else to do at all!SUNDAY'S A BORING DAY!it's really UNBELIEVEABLE!i could actually play till i've got fever. -.-"WTH?!?it really makes me damn uncomfortable,i couldn't concentrate at all!home at almost 3am ; awake at 6.15am!Right now, i'm having:* fever* cough* a terrible sore throat* running nose* gastric pain* eye infection (due to my fever)* back-achesthis is the first time i'm down with so much illness at a timeandd.. i'm still having sleepless nights!IT'S REALLY DAMN UNCOMFORTABLE!all thanks to the weather..i really hate falling would makes me think of youor should i say,it would makes me feel emotional?*** how i wish.. i could leave this world without a word peacefully('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:47 PM
25 May 2008HOME SWEET HOME! :)it's 11.45am right nowyet i'm still awake not wanting to sleep.YES, it's another sleepless night agains!met Buddy and friends at Compass Pointfor dinner yesterday night ;den headed down to Town for movie.(it was a last min decision)watched Chocolate, a Thai show.Overall, not a bad show. :)Rated it 8/10.George thought that it's a Korean show.he was damn shock when they speak Thai.LOL*anddd..the first thing he ask me was:"i thought Chocolate is Korean show?"he was the one who wanted to watch Chocolateyet, he didn't know it was a Thai show. -.-"he's sooooooo damnn blurrrrrr!it's such a long long time since i last had a movie.the last time i had was with himwatching the "Forbidden Kingdom".can you imagine how long it is? -.-"finished the show at 3plus going 4am ;they decided to go for supper just across the road.COFFEE CLUB!!nuaa till 7.15am,Daniel came to fetch us.he say he's just tooooo boreddddd. -.-"was supposed to meet Angela at AMKas she called earlier on.but she fall asleep while waiting for me.soo headed down to George's house for mahjongas everyone's still awake,not feeling tired.the game ends at 12pm in the afternooooonnnnn!!!!!andddddd....the sun's soooooo hot!I'M MELTING!i really mean it, I SWEAR.i nearly fainted when we're walking towards Daniel's car.WTF?!?i really can't stand the sun right now.the weather's tooooooo hot!they suggested going for lunch before going homebut i really can't stand it!i'm having a terrible headacheandddddddd...i'm getting fatter and fatter each day!so they send me home first. :)i've been eating sooo much these few days.I REALLY NEED TO GO ON DIET!oh ya, Alex (Alan's brother) called me few days agoinforming me that Alan's in DB now.but still not sure how long he'll be inside.asking me if i wanna go visit him or notas i could go with him.but.... :)SAD FOR HIM!he got to spend his birthday in DB.actually i was supposed to celebrate with him as promisedbut.. he's in DB right now.Tioman's trip cancelled!HOPE EVERYTHING'S FINE FOR HIM. :)('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:55 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
22 May 2008NOTHING GOOD WILL HAPPEN TO ME!FCUKFUCKFCUK!!went for the check upsand nothing good happens at all!WTH!?!i just couldn't believe what the doctor told me.I'M JUST REAL DAMN LOST!ARGHHHHHH~i'm really lost for words ; i really didn't know what to do at all ; i don't know who could i turn to..WHERE ARE YOU?!?I REALLY NEED YOU NOW! :(i really don't understand...why you could just leave without saying anythingandddd..leaving such a burden for me to clear ups!it really's real damn pain.('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:58 AM
Monday, May 19, 2008
19 May 2008TML'S APPOINTMENT CANCELLED!changed to 22nd of Maydue to i'm having Basic Theory on the 21st. :)after a long wait,it's finally here!WHAHAHAHAHAAAS~BUT, sad to say..i haven't even started reading the book yet!i shall camp at home tmljust to read the book.GOOOOOOD LUCKKKKK TO MEEEEEE! :DFCUKFUCKFCUK!today's really not my day -.-"having..* eye-infection* stomach pain* headache* coughGUESSSSSS...i'm going to fall sick VERY VERY sooonnnnnnn!!! :(('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:41 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
18 May 2008finally, i took my extensions.BUT, I'M SO NOT USED TO IT! :(i remembered that you told me..* it makes no difference if i've got my extensions or not* i still look as pretty as ever* you'll help me take out my extensionsto my disappointment,EVERYTHING'S JUST A LIE!i remembered every little single word you once told me, do you?i didn't know why..all of a sudden,i wanna take down all my extensions.maybe cos of all your lies...or should i say sweet talks?anyway, thanks to my brother
for helping me to remove all my extensions. :)going for check ups in 2days timeHope everything's gonna be fine.. :)*** I could live my life without you but it's just in the world of Black and White.('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:56 PM
太晚我才懂爱了你太多('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:20 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
17 May 2008HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YI JING! :Dwent out to celebrate Yi Jing's birthdaywith Geroge and a group of Secondary Sch's's located at Chinatownbut.. i forget what's the pub name.didn't drink at allandd.. it's rather fun! :)did some catching ups ;playing games ; singing songs.left the pub at 3plus,yet Yi Jing's still not drunkbut abit high..then.. Me and James got an idea! :D* went to 7eleven* got 2 mini bottles of Absolute Vodka* asked him to drink without mixing any mixture...anddddddd....YEA, WE DID IT!he vomitted after drinking just a mouth of it! ;ptook a cab home ; bathe ; stomach hasn't been feeling well for the past's really killing me!ARGHHHHHH~('v') 心中的遺憾*
11:57 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
I don't hope for a new relationship
Having you back to me.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:04 PM
Dearest Bebe,
i'm here to wish you a
Wishing you all the best
May all your dreams come true.
Hope you enjoyed yrself these 2days.
Although it's nothing much,
but the thots that counts.
Sorry for not going back yesterday.
Mayb it's me..
who misunderstand the whole matter.
Hope i didn't spoil yr day yay?
Last but not least,
i'm contented having you as my Sister. :)
('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:45 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
15 May 2008Should i stayor..Should i go?Better In TimeAfter all that we've been through,Going coming, I thought i heard a knock.Who's there? No one.Thinking that i deserve it,Now i realise i really didn't know.If you didn't notice you mean everything,Quickly i'm learning to love again.All i know is i'm gonna be okayThough i couldn't live without you.It's gonna hurt when it heals too.It'll all get better in time.And even though i really love you,I gotta smile cause i deserve to.It'll all get better in timeSince there's no more you and me,It's time to let you go so i can be free.No matter how hard it is,I hope i'll be fine without you.Yes, i will..IF this is Goodbye,pls don't ever come back..IF this is the End,pls don't wake me ups..I would rather stay in the world of Illusion*** I didn't know it's so difficult for you to give me a chance to love you once agains.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
11:43 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
14 May 2008SHOPPINGGG SPREEEEEE! :Dwent to town for interviewand Peiwen came down to meet me. went to BEBE for a walk ; got myself a top in green. :)it's limited edition!
headed down to Paragonand got myself a Gucci handbag. :)WOOOOHOOOOOOO~after soo longgg,it's time to pamper myself!! ;phad PastaMania for dinner.BAKE RICE!my favourite. :D(it's been a long time i had that)
Soup Of The Day: Clam Chowder
MY LOVES!Eddie came down with Zhi Xiang after thatas he wanted to buy Adidas jacket.but.. it's OUT OF STOCK!accompanied Eddie down to BQ for awhilethen.. HOME SWEET HOME! :)although today isn't a great day,but i enjoyed myself by spending all my money. :)this is the only way i could think de-stress myself.('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:52 PM
What Serene Means

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning? You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!
('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:32 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I isolate myself from the world,
leaving only a balcony for myself.
When darkness falls,
i gaze at the sky.
Your whisper, Your love, i see them once agains.
I switch on the television and i listen..
I wonder if those stories could tell me a reason,
I couldn't offer you the love you asked for.
I hold the fading love and lament.
I can't promise you a future
I give you back the current that i owe you.
I realised that everything has finally come to an end
when whatever shits that i've done
means nothing to you.
I carry the sorrows on my shoulder
My quiet departure seems to be the best understanding for you.
My last whisper to you
is to find your own happiness.
Not to wait until there's an ocean between you and me
Time will heals the cut that hurts
Nonetheless, i kept my faded love to you next to my heart
I won't blame you
because i've chose to leave quietly.
My heart is a platform
where you have come and leave with no trail.
My heart is a station
with "WAITING" written on it.
I listen to radio and to other's stories ;
They sobbed out their sorrows that echoes in my heart
I still feel your warmth..
I can't resist ; I can't push it away
('v') 心中的遺憾*
6:10 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
leave me alone..ARGHHHHH~('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:18 AM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
On the Brink of felt different now..if i can laugh whole-heartedlywhen you tell me something funny as i used to,not as if * i still can have much more sincered goodbye kisses,* we can do what normal couple does,* i can tell apart you're lying or not..i rather i didn't know..didn't know how to differentiate all these at all.for the moment..i felt like a complete stranger to i don't know you ; you don't even know me.there isn't any closeness don't belongs to me,and i don't belongs to you.we did whatever we likewithout thinking for each other..i'm trying not to feel upsetcos it seems thatbeing this way would be much better.i should be happycos you're free ; so am i..there won't be anymore unhappiness.BUT..i'm really afraid of knowingwhat would become of us nowcos i never though about it before at all!i'm willing to do anythingto bring back that dayandd..i meant it!IF THAT VERY DAY WE HAVEN'T GOT TO MEET EACH OTHER,I WOULD NEVER EXPERIENCE THIS UNHAPPINESSWHICH WAS WOEFUL AND FILLED WITH TEARS..IF THAT VERY DAY WE HAVEN'T GOT TO MEET EACH OTHER,I WOULD NEVER EXPERIENCE THIS HAPPINESSWHICH WAS PRECIOUS, WARMTH AND BLISSFUL..I almost gave up ; felt so terrible that i even thot ofwho would come to my funeral..('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:14 PM
It's been a long time
since i last smile
truely from my heart..
There's so much i wanted to say
right from the bottom of my heart
('v') 心中的遺憾*
3:50 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
06 May 2008FANTASTIC!my gastric's getting worst ;been lying on the bedanddd.. i hardly could move!FORCED MYSELFto eat just a single mealandd.. my medicinesYET..i vomitted all out.WELL DONE UH?!?('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:11 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
i had a little dream last night.and in the dream, i cried badly, wanting you had her in yr armsthen i cried and you hugged me.the moment it showed something..which is precious to both of us.i felt so blissful at that time and so comforthow i wish..i would never wake ups from it.when i woke ups,i cried hard once agains.knowing that it's just only a dream..i don't know what's gonna happen in futureorr.. maybe i'm too crazy over you.boy, can you tell me what to do?iff onlyyy... my dreams would come true ; all i need is just a chance to start afresh being with youu..('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:02 PM
05 May 2008
Everytime you messed with my head
All the things you did and you said
See my scars spell out your name and you're paralyzin' me
All the times you left me behind
All these tears are no longer mine
Because you took it all the way
Memories, they fall apart
Take my tears, they say alot
Since you're the one who put them there When i needed you the most,you were no where to be found.
But i still hung on..just hoping for my love to come around
I miss the times when things were simple
And your heart was mine
Look up in the sky..its a bird, its a plane
Now, its just me again cryin in the rainI cant figure out why i feel so ashamed
You pushed me so hard that i feel so insane
Everytime i cried, you didnt wipe my eyes
Whenever i'm scared, you weren't by my side
The only thing you did was that it made me wise
So i guess it's all good cause it kept me alive('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:51 PM

Going crazy, my heart is breaking
I can't sleep at all.
Trying to get throught this
Don't know how i'll do this
I know that i only got myself to blame
But that doesn't help to ease my pain
I'll just die if i can't see your face
Until you come back, i can't breath
Until you come back, i got no reason
Got my heart, my heart down on it's knees
I still need you beside me
Now it's morning, you're still gone and i still reach for you
Don't know how to live without you
i can take back all the hurt i've caused
If i could give back all the love i lost
The price i pay is just to high of a cost
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:44 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
04 May 2008
There will be a time
where you'll get sick
of different people picking you up from work,
bringing you out for dinner and movies,
sending u home and walk u up.
And all you want is to have the only one to do these with you,
even though its doing the same old thing over and over again.
Yet most of e time,
its hard to come by the "ONLY ONE"
('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:41 PM
FCUKFCUKFCUK!my gastric's acting up agains.i hate taking medicines!i don't wanna be a pills machine! diet's really a success! :Di've not eaten for the 4th day..andddd..sleepless nights agains!FANTASTIC!!STRESSED!!!you'll never know the feeling's in me ;cos you ain't me.try putting yrself in my shoe,you'll understand..what's the point of avoiding itwhen you know, you'll have to face it one day?you'll only make me hate you..for not being a responsible person('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:50 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
01 May 2008STRESSED
STRESSED STRESSED!!i'm so worried..can't even get to sleep at all.hope everything will be alright..Dearest Bebe, i miss you damn much! :(('v') 心中的遺憾*
10:07 PM