Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Your love fades like how these flowers wither.
以前, 总是忘记你教过我的事.
我发现不知不觉, 却记得你过去教我保护自己的方式.
我好想不想你, 好想不再爱你.
但是, 却做不到.
i miss the little thingy..
that used to be worn on our finger.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:20 PM
The undefined love between you and me ;
Those complicated thoughts,
those lovely memories..
We wouldn't know what would happen in future,
nothing last forever.
I Still Love You.
('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:52 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
how i wish... Everything's gones!no more plans and sweetness from you anymore.hais*you won't know how much hurt you've brought on me.you won't know how i feel at all.smashing someone's hope is cruel ; yet, you chose to do it on me.FANTASTIC!i'm really speechless,andd.. i didn't know how to express myself.i'm feeling..* EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED* HEART BROKEN* SAD* DEPRESSED* LOSTtried popping a few sleeping pills forcing myself to slp..yet, i'm awake after an hour of sleep! -.-"NIGHTMAREEEEEE~pls get away from me!the feelings of jumping up of bed is terrible.it's real damn frightening!i could not control myself at allanddd.. i teared. :'(why do ppl gets nightmare for no reasons?right now, my heart is till pumping like hell.i can't get to sleep ;i'm afraid of going back to sleep!i need you by my side badly.will you hug me to slp agains?YES, i admit..i'm crying hard now while typing this post.i can't control my emtions at all!i'm feeling soooo DEPRESSED! :(('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:33 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
26 April 2008it's 8.42am right now,yet i'm still awake ; not feeling tired at all. -.-"went down to Bugis in the evening ; met Kenny & Hong Ru while waiting for Bebesooo.. they accompany me for awhile. :)headed down to Paulander at Marina Squarewith a few of my friendsbut.. it's FULL when we reached there. :(was rather disappointedas the atmosphere is nice & relaxing!tooooo badddddd.. we're abit late. -.-"SADDED*with no ideas of where to gooooo,we landed up at BQ agains! :(I SWEAR, IT'S REAL DAMN BORED!had my dinner ; NUAA ;down to Pasir Ris with Bebe & Eddie.went prawning!although it's kinda boredas i've got no patient to prawn..at least, it's much more better den staying at BQ! :Dtotal of 2hours,i only got 2prawns. -.-"but...i've got bigger prawns den Bebe!!LOL* :Dandddddddd... it's my 1ST time prawning okays!had Mac for breakfast,den off we gooooo...HOME SWEET HOME!seriously, i'm super shagbut i really don't understand why..WHY I CAN'T GET TO SLP AT ALL! -.-"!@#$%my eyebag is getting from bad to worst!SOMEONE PLS HELP!i think..sleeping pills is my only saviour.haiis*Photos taken while Prawning:
The atmosphere

Bebe's using the rod to irritate Eddie ; LOL*
prawn-ed by me on my 1st try. :)
total of prawns we've got at the end of the day
off we gooooooo.. BYEEEE!
Expired Photos:

Dearest, i've uploaded all the photos we took!i know you waited for longg longggg timeeeeee.SORRY! :X('v') 心中的遺憾*
4:38 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
SLPLESS NIGHT AGAINS!it's 8.30am yet i'm still AWAKE!happen to hear this songandd.. it really suits my mood.EMOTIONAL!It's not goodbyeNow what if I never kiss your lips againOr feel the touch of your sweet embrace.How would I ever go on?Without you there’s no place to belongWell someday love is going to lead you back to me,But till it does,I'll have an empty heart.So I'll just have to believe some where out there you're thinking of meTill the day I let you go,Until we say our next hello its not goodbye.Till I see you again,I'll be right here remembering when.And if time is on our sideThere will be no tears to cry on down the roadThere is one thing I can't deny its not goodbyeYou think I'd be strong enough to make it throughAnd rise above when the rain falls down.But it’s so hard to be strong when you've been missing somebody so longIt’s just a matter of time I'm sure,Well time takes time and I can't hold on,So won't you try as hard as you canPut my broken heart together again?Till the day I let you go,Until we say our next hello its not goodbye.Till I see you againI'll be right here remembering when.And if time is on our sidethere will be no tears to cry on down the roadthere is one thing I can't deny its not goodbyeIt’s not goodbye.....Till the day I'll let you go,until we say our next hello its not goodbye.Till I see you again,I'll be right here remembering when.And if time is on our sidethere will be no tears to cry on down the roadAnd I can't deny it's, not goodbyeIts not goodbyeTill I see youI'll be right here remembering whenTime is on our sideNo more tears to cryAnd I cant denyIt’s not goodbyeGoodbyeno more tears to cryIt’s, it's not goodbye.('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:10 PM
24 April 2008You took your love away so fast.left no chance to look backandd now.. i know the truth,it makes it easier.Maybe when time goes by,i'll understand.let's pretend that i've moved on,den i'll tell myself that life goes on without you.Open my eyes and look deep inside,i run away..you threw it all away,soo blind..pused me far from you in yr life.Now i know,the tears wont lead to lonelinessbut sadness..Maybe when time goes by,i'll really understand..P.S: I'll never give ups ; it's too hurting!('v') 心中的遺憾*
1:08 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
if our love was a storybook,
we would meet on the very first page.
the last chapter would be about..
how thankful i'm
for the life we've made.
PS: I LOVE YOU.('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:37 PM
21 April 2008i've become a panda..YES, PANDA! -.-"can't get to sleep for the whole day at all.i really don't know what's happening to me.went for an interview just nowandd.. i nearly lost my way again. -.-"WOOOOOHOOOOOO~I'M SOOOO HAPPY!finally, i'm going back to work agains.i can't stand my life without a job.it's real damn meaninglessandd.. BORING! -.-"this time round,my new office is much more nearer to my house.which means..i don't have to get up soo early in the morning to prepare for work. :Di know i'm lousy.tends to lost my way whenever i took a bus.but i didn't want it this way too.i'll learn to be independent from today onwards okays!in the past, he's the one who fetch me wherever i wanted to go.if not, he would ask me to take a cab.YES, i admit i'm used to it.that's why i'm soo useless right now.at least, i'm trying hard to be independent right now.not wanting to rely on anyone agains.wanted to meet Bebe right after my interviewbut she didn't pick up my call. :(guess she's still sleeping.it's been almost a week since i last saw her.was rather busy looking for a job these few days.hais* i'm sorry, Dearest. :(I MISS HER REAL DAMN MUCH!I SWEAR...i'm feeling sleepy right nowbut.. it's only 8.30pm! -.-"i can't go to bed now!i'm afraid i'll wake up at around 2-3am. -.-"ARGHHHHHHHHH~IT'S TORTURING LEHS! :(4more hours to goooo..before going to bed. -.-"shall occupy myself with stuffs to doif not, i gotta fall asleep agains!LOL*('v') 心中的遺憾*
5:13 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
18 April 2008Which is better?A lie that brings a smile?ORThe truth that brings a tear?Everyone been telling me..you still loves me.but.. WHY?WHY can't i feel it?i just wanna know the truth..at least, i'll feel better.('v') 心中的遺憾*
2:41 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
16 April 2008HOW I WISH I COULD HAVE...a restart buttonANDD...start all over agains!memories are SWEET ;they have been flashing back in my mind..I really should have just held onto your armswhen you offered it. Now that you're gone, it's all too late..('v') 心中的遺憾*
11:10 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
15 April 2008Things have been running thru my mind everyday.i'm really wondering...* if you remember me or if i'm just a memory ;* if you think of us or if you find it useless ;* how things would be if you had never left me ; * how have you been and if i'm still a love of yrs.i think about..* you everyday and wonder if you're okay ; * how happy we were and the memorise make my tears stir ;* the plans we made while we were lying in the shade ;* all the things we said and the lives we lead..not knowing where to go,where to find a place that you may hide.There's soo...* much in my head that i wish i'd said ;* many missed kisses for my unanswered wishes.if i could have you agains,what joy will it bring?i missed..* you each day that you're away but it's all fading away ; * you looking out for me the way it used to be ;* your love that protected me like a glove ; * you soo much that it dim my heart.i wonder if you still cares..that's a question that tears!男人男人多希望你是好人多希望用你的真让我不必再心疼('v') 心中的遺憾*
8:56 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
12 April 2008after soo long, i realised thatthings will never be the way i wanted it to be. hais* :(i'm just like a scattered jigsaw puzzlewith a few missing pieces never to be found agains.i don't know anything anymore..pls lay me down to die ; cos it's useless to have an incomplete heart.i love walking in the raincos noone knows i'm crying..i tried not putting you as my prioritycos i know, i'm just only yr options.yet, i still can't do it.i always knew that..by looking back at my tears would make me laugh ;but i never knew that..by looking back at my laughters would make me cry.someone once told me that..being happy doesn't means everything is perfect ; it just means that..i've decided to look beyond the imperfections..there's only 3 simple things i wanted to ask from you..* eyes that won't cry* lips that won't lie* love that won't diefrom the day that i promised you..i've never lie to you at all."CHANGED" is all i could say..use yr heart to feel ; yr eyes to seehow i wish..i could be taken back to the day we first met.if i could not start all over agains,our love shall be my biggest regrets!now i'm all by myself on my bended knees,time have gone ; the moments have passed.maybe our love was not meant to be ; maybe it's the only way for you and me.thou words are not spoken,feelings are not known..but it gonna takes meanother million years to forget you.i'm not going to give up soo easilyandd.. i won't too.pls bear in mind that,i'll be here for youwhenever you need me. :)ET: my biggest regret that i've ever done was to let you go.('v') 心中的遺憾*
1:40 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
11 April 2008
Everything just seems like a dream ; a dream that i've been waiting forafter sooo longggg..finally it came true..i just couldn't believe with my own eyes.but.. i'm really DELIGHTED! :Di know i should be contented ; andd.. not asking for morebut.... *** MIXED FEELINGSindeed, i'm really happy.the sweetness is back agains!but i've been wondering..* is this just a dream ;* or did i think too much?i'm really afraid..afraid of being misleaded.('v') 心中的遺憾*
3:03 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
* i'm living in the world of confusion..
* take me away if you love me ;
* stop misleading me if you ain't true!('v') 心中的遺憾*
7:05 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
08 April 2008iiii'mmm feelingggg BBBOREDDDDD!life's seems sooo meaningless,without a job.aimless ; boredness ; liveless.the worst thing that i did is:*having to lie to myself*saying things which i don't mean it*unable to tell the person my true feelingsthe feeling is real damn TERRIBLE!noone knows how i'm feeling right now. :(some words are left unspoken.or maybe, better left unspoken.身命被上天诅咒一辈子活在痛苦中永远得不到快乐('v') 心中的遺憾*
9:49 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
07 April 2008okays, i know it's my fault today.i shouldn't have drank soo muchknowing that i'm having gastric failure.but.. put yrself in my shoe.i'm feeling down ; wanting you to be here for meyet.. you're nowhere to be found!i don't blame youcos you don't owe me anything at allbut.. i just want you to understand why all these things happen.i'm sorry.i know, i should look after my health.it's my fault.no next time okays.I REALLY HATE MY GASTRIC!!@#$%AAAARGHHHHHHH~it's real damn torturing! :(i've become a pills machine

*** You'll never see my sweet smile agains('v') 心中的遺憾*
12:41 PM